"No one should feel hurt by you,
Dada Bhagwan
you should make everyone happy and leave."

"The man who is not ‘sincere’ to others
Dada Bhagwan
is not ‘sincere’ to his own self!”

Dada Bhagwan
"We’ win over ‘negative’ with ‘positive’."

Who is Dada Bhagwan?
Who do you think Dada Bhagwan Is? One who is seen in photograph with black cap, coat and Dhoti? No, no it is a photograph of A.M.Patel who was a ‘Gnani purush’-an experienced Holistic scientist who can reply any questions without looking at any book or scripture.
Dada Bhagwan as said before is in form of infinite pure knowledge light, pure vision or perception light and infinite bliss which opened out in frail body of A.M.Patel. It is manifest supreme self. Dada Bhagwan cannot be photographed or put to fire. He is eternal or perpetual. He can be experienced through gnan (Knowledge light), darshan (vision or perception light) charitraya (manifest state of being) and tapa (inner unseen ,penance).
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Meditation, Yoga, Retreats, Free
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The practical knowledge of breathing techniques gives you balance and wisdom.
The state of samadhi will help you experience deep inner peace as well as increase self-awareness.
For an extraordinary sense of peace, you have to go beyond your habitual active mind.