Here's all the information about Guru Purnima Mahotsav 2023. We'll share details for Guru Purnima Mahotsav 2024 soon.  

Dada Bhagwan Guru Purnima 2023

Kids Workshop

Kids will be involved in lots of activities like crafts, coloring, pad singing, story time, kirtan bhakti, dancing/ garba, group play and other activities while parents take maximum benefits of youth satsang.

Specific Programs for JSS Youth

We know youth has burning questions. Current year youth have golden opportunity to get solutions of clearing those burning questions from Dada Bhagwan’s Aptaputra. Gain clarity and acquire practical guidance to navigate various aspects of life effectively.

Few points to ponder:

# Group Youth Satsang with Aptaputra
# One to one interaction with Aptaputra
# Picnic / Outing with Aptaputras

Main Goal

Dada Bhagwan’s Gyan makes us abhed [Oneness with All].
Youth, the future of Akram Vignan will have opportunity to learn how to remain one with all mahatmas, family members, those who love us & those who dislike us.